About Us

Hi and Welcome to our blog!
We are Frank, Grainne, Conor and Aine- the Roving Foleys. We have been Full time RV living and working from the road since 2015
What You Can Expect
We help people realize their dreams of full time RV living and travel adventure through our blog posts, and social media.
- Learn how to get on the road full time with FREE course “YES YOU CAN Travel Full Time!“
- Making the commitment. (Going Nuts)
- Telling Your friends and family (Explaining That You’ve Gone Nuts)
- Selling Nearly Everything (Proving That You’re Nuts)
- Buying an RV (Giving Up Your Nuts)
- Making money in the road (Gathering More Nuts)
- Much much more (Nuts, Nuts and More Nuts)
- Learn how to MAKE MONEY ON THE ROAD. Visit our Online Work Resources page. Find out how we run our Amazon Empire (insert evil laugh)
- Learn what RV ACCESSORIES you need (and what you don’t) to get your rig set up. Visit our Accessories Resource Page.
- Experience all of the AWESOME places we’ve traveled like:
- Join Us online at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, email and stay in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
We LOVE this life and love to share it with others, so dive right in and give us a shout- we’d love to hear from you!

Our Story
We are a family of 4 plus our dog Gypsy. Frank and Gráinne met in 1998 and married in 2002. Since Gráinne is from Ireland, travel was inherent in our relationship- especially when it started getting serious.
Once we were married, we started trying to have a family. Unfortunately for us it would not be easy. We would spend the next 8 years enduring the frustration and unimaginable emotional extremes of infertility.
A couple of years after we got married, we moved over to Dublin and worked and traveled around Europe for a couple of years while we continued to experience what can only be described as the horror of infertility treatments, IUI’s and IVF. Grainne’s reaction to the drugs was absolutely awful and we had to give up after a couple of tries and accept that bearing children was not in the plan.
It was a difficult time, but one solace was that we were making really good money, and weekend travel to anywhere in Europe was simple. We spent many weekends in Paris, Rome, Vienna, etc. and our travel bug became firmly set. But when we finally decided that we wanted to adopt children, we knew that we needed to head back to the states.

When we moved back to the USA, we took an epic month-long trip the long way around, visiting Thailand and Australia and even made a stop at our honeymoon spot- San Francisco (LOVE that place!)
Once Conor and Áine came along in ’09 and ‘10, we found ourselves falling into the typical routine. Work, work, work to live. A couple of weeks vacation here or there and then back to the grind. We had the waterfront quarter acre on the cul de sac. We even had the minivan and Prius in the driveway.

Gráinne was the stay at home mom and Frank had the corporate job that was really quite good- until it wasn’t. Anyone working in Corporate America can understand just how quickly a change of leadership can flip your level of job satisfaction.
By 2014, we found ourselves wondering what it was all for. Work all week just to mow the lawn on the weekend? A 2-car garage so full of crap we couldn’t fit a car. The American Dream was becoming much less dream and much more nightmare. For us, it just didn’t make sense. So we started asking ourselves (and each other) if this was what we really wanted. Turns out- it wasn’t.
Making a Radical Change
So we decided to make a change. A RADICAL change. Travel was what we really wanted. To see the world. And the road we were on was not going to get us there. We made a new plan. The “Dump It All And Hit The Freekin’ Road Plan.” Things started to get interesting. If we could make money while on the road, we could just try living in an rv full time. HOW SIMPLE! See the USA for a couple of years and then- THE WORLD! We started doing research and realized that this is just not that bonkers an idea. There were literally thousands of families living full time in their rv. We could easily do the same. Time for some action!

Selling It All
We started early in 2015 by sorting and selling off stuff. Furniture, garage stuff- all of it. Craigslist became our best friend. Funny how once you decide you don’t need all that stuff- it becomes such fun to sell it all for cash. We valued our houses (we had a rental by then) and talked to some Real Estate folks about what should be done to sell. Then we just kept moving forward. Selling, planning, researching, making ready- and of course shopping RV’s. How fun! Those next few months became a whirlwind. We rented a small storage for some important stuff we wanted to keep. While we still had that corporate income we bought the RV and truck.
We pimped our house and talked to our renters about buying theirs (they wanted to.) Then we listed ours FSBO. It sold in 2 days!
Did we just sell our house? OK we are really doing this!
Frank quit his job and we closed on the house at the end of May. June 2015 we were on the road. A future far less determined, far outside the comfort zone, and far more exciting!

You Can Do It!
So jump on in and get started by signing up below for your FREE Full Timing Course. Head on over to the Blog and read up on our latest adventures, places we’ve been, or tips and tricks to RV living. Then reach out and say “Hello.” We’d love to hear from you!